aStore -

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I think I might just go and continue making my camera pouch! I am afterall a little on the bored side of things! But before I do that - I might just see if I can pull the splinter out of my finger!

I just had an idea... I have I don't know how many photo frames... I think I might find one and chuck one of my photos in it and sell it!! Anyone what a picture to hang on your wall? If so- what sort: sunset, sunrise, trees, flower without bees or butterflies, flower with bee or butterfly?

Splinter in finger gone - now for the other one in the palm of my hand! Now I have a hole in my litle finger and a hole in the palm of my hand! I guess that's what I get for chopping kindling wood!

Anyways - let me know what sort of picture you might like... to see some of my examples or

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